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Writing and Outreach

Explore my past writing and outreach projects, which demonstrate my attention to detail, understanding of inclusive communications principles, and passion for equity and intersectionality in all that I do.​

Intersections Magazine


As the Assistant Director for Academic Programs at MSU's Center for Gender in Global Context, I serve as Co-Editor-in-Chief and content contributor to Intersections, our annual publication featuring global gender research, education, and outreach. â€‹See the latest edition at this link, or visit our website to see the latest edition of Intersections!


Inclusive Communications


During my time at Michigan State University (MSU), I acted as a content expert and contributor to university-wide policy and guidance documents for inclusive communication practice. Visit MSU's official brand studio to see the ways that my committee's contributions helped the university become more inclusive.


Global Experiential Education—with an Intersectional Core


The design philosophy behind my pedagogy and educational outreach utilizes intersectional frameworks to decenter typical perspectives and positions of privilege, both in the classroom and outside of it. Check out the Sexual Politics in Amsterdam Cultural Checklist Activity I designed, which fuses global representation and immersion into diverse LGBTQIA2S+ communities, black histories, and local experiences into the Sexual Politics in Amsterdam study abroad program, for which I serve as Program Lead.


Supporting LGBTQ+ Belonging


Community is at the heart of everything I do. My role in fostering and supporting LGBTQ+ community—from the rural plains to large and diverse college campuses—showcases my deepest values and goals, both professional and personal. Learn more about my approach, values, and vision in this piece, which I wrote for MSU Today.

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